Best weapon in mount and blade warband
Best weapon in mount and blade warband

This problem only seems to effect merchants, and is more of an inconvenience if you are not using the cheat menu. Since I don't know how to fix this for now, my tip would be to start a new game BEFORE you use this mod, or use it with an already existing save. If any of you know why this is and how it can be fixed, I'd greatly appreciate if you post a comment explaining it. Instead, they'll be replaced by battle standards. When you start a new game, long axes and other two handed weapons will not appear in the arms merchants' inventory.

  • So far I have only experienced one problem with this mod.
  • THIS MOD ONLY CHANGES THE WEAPON CLASS! It does not change the damage, speed, or any other stats of the weapon.
  • This mod changes the One-Handed/Two-Handed versions of the Champion Swords that can be bought by a weapons merchant to be strictly Two-Handed. However, you can only get them through the cheat menu.

    best weapon in mount and blade warband

  • In the Cheat Menu, you can find two Goidelic Champion Swords that are already two-handed, and even do more damage.
  • On the other hand, if you already know how to edit the properties and stats of items and weapons, you should be fine, and most likely won't even need this mod at all. If you feel like you might want to switch back to having the weapons be One-Handed/Two-Handed again, I highly recommend you make a copy of the "item_kinds1.txt" file that is already in your Viking Conquest folder, and paste it somewhere you'll remember it, such as your desktop, BEFORE downloading this mod. Install/Uninstall: Take the "item_kinds1.txt" file and put it in your Viking Conquest folder in Modules, and overwrite the already existing file.

    best weapon in mount and blade warband

    However, this means that you will NOT be able to use a shield with these weapons anymore. I also find it aesthetically pleasing to see Huskarls and Berserkrs with shields on their backs, and gripping Long Axes with both of their hands. This is a simple mod that takes all the weapons in VC that are classified as One-Handed/Two-Handed, and makes them strictly Two-Handed (even weapons you wouldn't normally use in the game, such as pickaxes, because well.why not).

    best weapon in mount and blade warband

    I didn't see much of a point in using it with a shield if it just makes it swing slower, and it was annoying to see my character running around holding something similar to a Dane Axe with only one hand.

    best weapon in mount and blade warband

    I found it annoying that weapons like the Long Axe were One-Handed/Two-Handed.

    Best weapon in mount and blade warband